Enter Cheneyus, Scooterus and sundry hangers-on
Cheneyus: Come, poor remains of friends, rest on this rock.
[he sits down] My fate forsooth ticked by another clock
Than I foresaw. Yet no! I must be right!
Scooterus: You would have fiction put the facts to flight?
E’en now you would persist in your delusion
And garb in clothes of fact your grand illusion.
The senate will impeach thee, thou art out
As Veep, as Prez. McCainus hath the clout.
We’ve lost! Finito! Done for! We’re kaput!
Get that into your nut, you nutty nut!
Cheneyus: Untrue! Thou liest, foul Qaeda-lover!
Scooterus: Get real and see the truth, you stupid muvver…
Cheneyus: But no, we must have won, I’m always right.
Scooterus: As right as night is day and day is night!
Cheneyus: O, my offence is rank it smells to heaven.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Sponsor 2: Buy Arrid Dry at thy Seven Eleven!
Stops odours under arm and wetness too;
On earth and e’en in heaven, fear no poo.
Exit sponsor 2
Will S.: Stop, stop, thou blith’ring fool, that is wrong play!
Once more into Hambush do they now stray.
Cheneyus: Could I be wrong? First Scootie, and now Will
Do fault me. Scootie’s crazed, and Will’s a pill.
I’m always right! And day is night! So there!
Let neither them nor facts nor what’s what dare
To contradict me. Aaagh! What’s that? My heart!
My poxing pacemaker forgot to start.
My Guidant’s skipped a beat, its circuit short.
I cannot breathe, my breastbone doth feel taught.
And now another miss! That effing Guidant!
Three more! A sixth. A ninth. My breath is strident.
My head doth swim, my throat doth choke, mine eyes
Do cloud. Thus is it that great Chenie dies?
Cheneyus falls
Alarum. Enter McCainus, Georgie P. and hangers-on
Georgie P. What man is that?
McCainus: Why, that’s the Chenie prone.
Ha ha! Thus doth he lie upon cold stone.
My talk is straight but not the Guidant’s circuit.
It tripped his heart. And Hastie’s, it will jerk it.
For thus my plan progresses, fortune-kissed.
Look how he lays there stilled, mouth all a-twist.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 1
Sponsor 1: He was the noblest snowman of them all.
Forever was he at our beck and call.
At Halliburton, while he was the Veep,
We filled our pockets full and wide and deep.
For oil policy he was our guest,
His pol’cy team all picked at our behest
From industry alone. Our interest
He guarded jealously. It was the best
Of times. And no-bid contracts in Eye-rak
Did put our earnings into blackest black,
Secured and guaranteed, he at our back,
Ensuring lucre’s wind proffered no slack.
Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing
Thee to thy rest!
Exit sponsor 1
Will S.: What is this Hambush thing
That they here do purloin as in a daze
And intermingle verses from wrong plays!
Alarums, excursions, sennet. Enter Hastertus
Hastertus: Chenie is gone. I'm in, I am the Prez.
Hand me my topper, crown, whate'er, my fez.
As Speaker of the House I'm next in line.
I'm C-in-C now that th' White House is mine.
The Senate names thee, Anus, as new Veep
My heir apparent. Arghhh! What is that beep?
My heart doth pitter patter muchly fast,
It races, bursts, explodes. I breathe my last,
Short-circuited. Thus doth poor Hastie sink.
McCainus: Tee hee, I slipped a Guidant in his drink.
At last, as Prez I cross the White House portal.
Sing Hail to the Chief - that's me - immortal.
Alarums, excursions, sennet. Enter Caesar to swelling
strains from Götterdämmerung
Georgie P.: The Kenny Bushie Caesar lives ag’in!
McCainus: The leaker-'n-chief has leaked, 'sblood, right back in.
'Tis Bushie, zounds, no ghost, no phantom shade,
But flesh and blood he rains on my parade.
Caesar: Hello! You’re right! It’s me! I’m back! Tra-la!
Now come and listen all, from near and far!
You say bells resonate. I say they resignate.
You say commensurate, I say commiserate,
With keeping peace. You say at the drop of a hat;
At the whim of a hat, say I. Not only that:
You say relations are, I say relations is.
And that is just for starters. Deal with it, gee wiz!
I say thus hold hostile when you say hold hostage,
And human fallacy, when frailty’s the adage.
I said accept their tenants, when tenets ‘s what I meant...
Well, language after all’s just begging to be bent.
I said that I got pillared, instead of pilloried
In cartoons and the press. You think that Hillary’d
Do all that better? Then think all the fun you’d miss.
Who else would say OB/GYNs aren’t able – take the piss –
To practice love with women - and many, many more?
I’ll think up new ones, too – lockbox becomes lockjaw;
From pleasantry one letter leads to peasantry,
To mourn becomes to moon, dissenters dysent’ry;
For hissy fit there’s fishy shit. Fudruckers? Guess!
The English tongue, you think that I have made a mess?
To Grecian I’ll do worse. All grammar I’ll reset:
The level are, the children is… You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
Vox populi: No child left behind? King of illit’racy,
Thyself thou’rt way behind, boil-brained pox populi.
Caesar: Nor does it stop at words, my actions speak more loud
Grammarian: That’s louder!
Caesar: Hopefuller, you said, is not allowed.
Grammarian: That is more hopeful there.
Caesar: You stab me in the back.
But let us to the facts now go! Look at Eye-rak!
Top C-in-C am I, and wars I do collect.
No WMDs? Ten million I detect.
There are no toxic arms? I conjure up galore
Hyped data, lies, half truths, myths, all to go to war.
For alpha male am I, fulltime war president;
For battles, clashes, fighting I’m incontinent.
Vox populi: Yet when way back he could, he never dared to fight,
Lily-livered, from Nam to Texas he took flight.
And thence to Alabama, AWOL, did he flee,
That chicken-hearted codpiece, foul pox populi.
Caesar: Let my axis ‘f anvil tenfold expanded be
Wordsmith: That’s evil, cockered clown!
Caesar: From sea to shining sea,
Till all the world's a stage…
Will S.: That’s As You Like It, knave!
World? Stage? Not e’en in sandlot couldst thou e'er be brave .
Caesar: From North Korea, Iran to France and Germany
My evil anvil…
Wordsmith: Axis, codpiece!
Caesar: Italy
Embrace I in my axis, and Australia,
Japan, Tajikistan, Outer Mongolia,
Siam; and from Brazil I’ll march on to Tibet.
Thought’st Eye-rak was the last? You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
Vox populi: This saber-rattling dastard now just wants to be
What he did fear when young, milksop pox populi.
Caesar: And talking evil anvils, evil…
Wordsmith: Axis, cow!
Caesar: Move on that I can show you on the taxes how
I’ll ease the wealthies’ burden, all their taxes cut,
Reward the one per cent with fattened coffers’ glut.
Death tax, capital gains, soon will I end them all
To shower the affluent with opulent windfall.
And how can I afford to grant them all that loot?
Food stamps and Medicaid, the poor man’s cup to boot,
I’ll slash and burn and mow and slice and strip and cleave,
Till not a single cent for them will I, zounds, leave.
Slash, burn, mow, carve to gut the social safety net!
Thought’st tax cuts were the last? You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
Vox populi: More gruel, said Oliver in Dickens’ history,
But less than Twist we’ll get from our pox populi.
Caesar: They whine and whinge and moan at yawning deficit?
Yawn on, in hissy fit! Or is that fishy shit?
I’ll spend on tax cuts all; in that no one outbids
My generosity; the gap’s for our grandkids.
I’ll ope the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
For energy, for Halliburton’s profits huge.
Nor there I’ll stop, my friends in industry, fear not!
I’ll smite at Yellowbone…
Wordsmith: That’s Yellowstone, you clot!
E’en national parks in word and deed you rape!
Caesar: …to find
More oil and minerals. Our land is under-mined.
I’ll ope Yocemet’ry..
Wordsmith: Clotpole! Yosemite!
Caesar: For oil, gold, timber, too. It’s no calamity
As toxic greens do claim. And that’s just on-land digs.
Offshore I’ll go to war and seed a billion rigs
In pure Pacific waters, Gulf of Texaco.
Wordsmith: Thou maggot-pie, malt-worm! ‘Tis Gulf of Mexico.
Caesar: Greenhouse gas heats the earth and warms the seas? Hey man,
That way we use less energy to get a tan.
But climate change they cite as clear and present threat?
I’ve barely started, friends. You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
Vox populi: With him there’ll ne’er survive a single poxing tree,
All felled by brutish mammering pox populi.
Caesar: On th’ home front I stand guard, e’er ready to protect
With Brownie’s FEMA’s legions, free from all defect,
Homeland Security’s hosts ready to rush in
At th’ whim ‘f a hat yet one more victory to win,
As with Katrina in New Orleans fair town
Thanks to my fast response and heck-‘f-a-job Mike Brown.
Maligned were we, defamed by evil media,
Yet no response since Noah’s time was speedier.
I, chief responder, asked ‘Now what would Jesus do?’
He’d walk upon the waters! Let them walk there, too!
They sink? ‘Tis not our fault, ‘tis ‘cause they do lack faith.
They gripe? Then let him cast th’ first bone as Jesus say’th…
Wordsmith: ‘Tis stone, not bone, clack-dish, coxcomb, bonehead of stone!
Caesar: Thus with our fast response we have naught to atone.
Why should I let Katrina’s waters interrupt,
Or terrorist attacks, expected or abrupt,
Encroach upon my reading of that Goat my Pet.
Just wait, next hurr’cane seas’n! You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
Vox populi: O mercy, gods, we beg! Will we ne’er e'er be free
From knotty-pated, swag-bellied pox populi.
Exeunt omnes, dancing a square dance
At the dawn of the new millennium, after centuries of turning over in his grave, William Shakespeare can take it no more and has turned over right out of his tomb to chronicle once more the vanities and inanities of humankind.
He has hired a writing coach, a wordsmith and a grammarian, not to even dare to try to improve on his sublime verse - may heaven forefend - but to update him with the latest allusions, slang and pop culture.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
18 - The Tragedy of Bushius Caesar Act 5 Scene 4
Enter Cheneyus, Scooterus and sundry hangers-on
Cheneyus: We are defeated? Yet hold up your heads!
McCainus won? It is not as I saids?
Grammarian: Saids? Said, you toad! The Bushie speaking tic
Becomes an all consuming pandemic.
Scooterus: Defeat’s foul filth, zounds, soils us to a man.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Sponsor 2: Confined abed? Futuro’s the bedpan
To keep thee clean, noiseless, full-size, lightweight,
With edges smooth, contoured, a true bed-mate.
Exit sponsor 2
Scooterus: Where go we now? What does the future hold?
Cheneyus: Where go we now? If I may be so bold,
We’re not defeated, it is just the media
(Which by the way each day gets mighty seedier)
That concentrates alone on neg’tive news
In order to gainsay our halcyon views.
They say the troops are dying? We have won!
The WMDs do want? Here’s one!
Insurgents rule the day? We are supreme!
There’s nought can ruin my idyllic dream.
Alarums, excursions, sennet. Enter Caesar
Ruckus, screams, shouts. Exit Caesar, limping
Scooterus: Dream on, sweet prince, if thou dost vict’ry see
I fear that thou art barking up wrong tree.
Cheneyus: Beyond the media look, I do thee bid;
Our victory beneath bad news is hid.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 1
Sponsor 1: Did I hear bid? ‘Tis no-bid that’s the fun,
At Halliburton, start before the gun!
Exit sponsor 1
Scooterus: Dream on! Or is it wing on? Either way
The facts gainsay all that which thou dost say.
Cheneyus: It’s not as feared, I swear it by my beard.
Scooterus: You have no beard. It is just as I feared.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Spnosor 2: Hirsute is not your suit? Unwanted hair?
For legs, bikini areas, use Nair!
Exit sponsor 2
Cheneyus: This was, and is, and will be a slam dunk!
So stop your whining now, and quit your funk!
Scooterus: I fear you misinterpret all the signs.
Cheneyus: Thou art balled-up. Now read between the lines!
We won, we win and will win ev’ry fight.
We’re hot as some whorehouse on nickel night.
Scooterus: Thou speakest brogue and twang and slang and slanger
Will S.: Thus do we near the end of our cliffhanger
Exeunt omnes, jitterbugging
Cheneyus: We are defeated? Yet hold up your heads!
McCainus won? It is not as I saids?
Grammarian: Saids? Said, you toad! The Bushie speaking tic
Becomes an all consuming pandemic.
Scooterus: Defeat’s foul filth, zounds, soils us to a man.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Sponsor 2: Confined abed? Futuro’s the bedpan
To keep thee clean, noiseless, full-size, lightweight,
With edges smooth, contoured, a true bed-mate.
Exit sponsor 2
Scooterus: Where go we now? What does the future hold?
Cheneyus: Where go we now? If I may be so bold,
We’re not defeated, it is just the media
(Which by the way each day gets mighty seedier)
That concentrates alone on neg’tive news
In order to gainsay our halcyon views.
They say the troops are dying? We have won!
The WMDs do want? Here’s one!
Insurgents rule the day? We are supreme!
There’s nought can ruin my idyllic dream.
Alarums, excursions, sennet. Enter Caesar
Ruckus, screams, shouts. Exit Caesar, limping
Scooterus: Dream on, sweet prince, if thou dost vict’ry see
I fear that thou art barking up wrong tree.
Cheneyus: Beyond the media look, I do thee bid;
Our victory beneath bad news is hid.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 1
Sponsor 1: Did I hear bid? ‘Tis no-bid that’s the fun,
At Halliburton, start before the gun!
Exit sponsor 1
Scooterus: Dream on! Or is it wing on? Either way
The facts gainsay all that which thou dost say.
Cheneyus: It’s not as feared, I swear it by my beard.
Scooterus: You have no beard. It is just as I feared.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Spnosor 2: Hirsute is not your suit? Unwanted hair?
For legs, bikini areas, use Nair!
Exit sponsor 2
Cheneyus: This was, and is, and will be a slam dunk!
So stop your whining now, and quit your funk!
Scooterus: I fear you misinterpret all the signs.
Cheneyus: Thou art balled-up. Now read between the lines!
We won, we win and will win ev’ry fight.
We’re hot as some whorehouse on nickel night.
Scooterus: Thou speakest brogue and twang and slang and slanger
Will S.: Thus do we near the end of our cliffhanger
Exeunt omnes, jitterbugging
Sunday, October 24, 2010
17 - The Tragedy of Bushius Caesar Act 5 Scene 3
Enter Rummeus and Wolfowitzus
Rummeus: O Wolfie dear, how goes our cunning plan
To worst, or is it best, that Anus man?
Wolfowitz: Worst, schmorst, best schmest, it meaneth all the same
E’en if each verb hath contradict’ry name.
Rummeus: Then go unto the Hill, that they approve
Our cunning scheme McCainus to remove
From Senate ere he tar us with same brush
That we concocted to impeach the Bush.
Find Senate clerk, to know just how it goes.
Sit down with him and find out what he knows
That he doth not know, find if he unknows
What he doth know and yet unknows...
Wolfowitz: You pose
A puzzle with ‘knows know’ and ‘know not knows’
As with your ‘known unknowns’ and ‘unknown knowns,’
That brought around the world so many groans.
My mind doth boggle, zounds! So, please explain
The sigmoid twisting colon of your brain.
Rummeus: Just go and get the gossip.
Exit Wolfowitzus
Alarums, excursions sennet,. Enter Caesar
Caesar: It is me!
And you did think that you were Bushie-free!
Rummeus: ‘Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bastards!’
Yet back he comes…
Will S.: A rhyme? Yes!
Rummeus: like fast herds
Of raging buffalo…
Caesar: You plume-plucked hen
Yo mama is so fat her arse…
Will S.: Pox!
Writing C.: Men!
Ruckus, screams, shouts. Exit Caesar, limping
Enter Wolfowitzus
Wolfowitz: The Anus man is in your pants, my lord.
Will S.: That’s tents, not pants, puke-stockinged worm! O Gawd!
The Bushie virus spreads.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Sponsor 2: For underpants
For adults with the wetties: if by chance
Thy bladder overfloweth, then with ease
Contain the leaks with Tena! Hide your pees!
Exit sponsor 2
Alarums, excursions, sennet. Enter Caesar
Caesar: Did I hear leaks? I am by myself outed
Vox populi: Gay Caesar? Brokeback?
Writing C.: Nay! Just laws he flouted.
Now come on men, remove him once for all!
Caesar: Ouch! Ooh! Ooch! Ow! Eeh! Oh! Ay! My left ball!
Exit Caesar, limping
Rummeus: My pants? Good golly, I did feel them full.
Oh, tents! Then we are done for.
Wolfowitzus: Fanciful
Then was the victory that you predicted
But yesterday, to myths and lies addicted.
Rummeus: I do believe what I said yesterday,
I don’t know what I said, but anyway
I know what I do think, and I assume
It’s what I said.
Will S.: Methinks he doth presume.
Writing C.: Nay, that is how he speaks in real life,
His bumbling tongue's not pure as Caesar’s wife.
Rummeus: Well, um, you know, something is neither good
Nor bad but thinking makes it so (or should),
I do suppose, I think, as Shakespeare said.
Will S.: How dare he take my name. I’ll have him dead.
Once more the cast rebels, all of its own
Takes on a life, ignores my text
Writing C.: Don't groan,
Dear Will! With his good-bads, I think he meant
The reference to thee as compliment.
Wolfowitzus: Good, schmood! Bad, schmad! Your words are mighty stale.
You said with all our troops we would prevail.
And now we’re in the shitter, in the lav!
Rummeus: You go to war with the army you have
And not the army you might want or wish
To have at later time.
Wolfowitzuss: You make me pisch
As we do say in Yiddish. What comes next?
Rummeus: I would not say the future (where’s the text?)
Is less predictable than is the past;
(I’ve lost my place again. Where is it? Fast!)
I think the past was not predictable
When it did start.
Wolfowitzus: O mind inscrutable!
O what on earth mean’st thou and what in hell?
Rummeus: If I know the answer, then I will tell
You the answer, and if I don't, I'll just
Respond cleverly: that is, if I must.
Wolfowitzus: But what do we do now with this train wreck?
Rummeus: Now, settle down, do settle down now. Heck,
I'm an old man, it's early in the morning,
I'm gathering my thoughts here.
Wolfowitzus: Is it dawning
What we should do, now that this pow’r slugfest
We’ve lost?
Rummeus: We’ve lost? Ah, yes, we’ve lost. Then blest
Will be the day that from this mortal coil
I’ll shuffle me and far away me hoil.
Will S.: ‘Struth! Hoil? ‘Tis hurl!
Writing C.: Now into Brooklynese
The rump-fed pignut slips.
Will S.: Then all his pleas
I grant to shuffle off, his coil and all.
Rummeus: Then e’en without a Guidant do I fall.
Rummeus falls
Alarum. Enter Cheneyus, Scooterus and sundry hangers-on
Cheneyus: Where, where, o Scootie, doth his body lie?
Scooterus: Lo, yonder, shrouded ‘neath many a fly.
Cheneyus: O Bushius Caesar, thou art mighty yet;
Thy spirit walks like Kenny’s.
Alarums, excursions, sennet. Enter Caesar
Caesar: You can bet
Your bottom dollar!
Writing C.: Wordsmith! Grammar-man!
Ruckus, screams, shouts. Exit Caesar, limping
Cheneyus: Such grievous harm and mayhem to our plan
The churlish boil-brained boar-pig now done did
Grammarian: Done did! Ye gods!
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 1
Sponsor 1: For contracts without bid
At Halliburton we are number one,
Olympic champions are we bar none.
Done did? Did done? We couldn’t care a hoot
For grammar, s’ long as we pile up the loot.
Exit sponsor 1
Cheneyus: ‘Tis three o’clock, and Romans, yet ere night
We shall try fortune in a second fight.
Exeunt omnes, dancing a vigorous twist
Rummeus: O Wolfie dear, how goes our cunning plan
To worst, or is it best, that Anus man?
Wolfowitz: Worst, schmorst, best schmest, it meaneth all the same
E’en if each verb hath contradict’ry name.
Rummeus: Then go unto the Hill, that they approve
Our cunning scheme McCainus to remove
From Senate ere he tar us with same brush
That we concocted to impeach the Bush.
Find Senate clerk, to know just how it goes.
Sit down with him and find out what he knows
That he doth not know, find if he unknows
What he doth know and yet unknows...
Wolfowitz: You pose
A puzzle with ‘knows know’ and ‘know not knows’
As with your ‘known unknowns’ and ‘unknown knowns,’
That brought around the world so many groans.
My mind doth boggle, zounds! So, please explain
The sigmoid twisting colon of your brain.
Rummeus: Just go and get the gossip.
Exit Wolfowitzus
Alarums, excursions sennet,. Enter Caesar
Caesar: It is me!
And you did think that you were Bushie-free!
Rummeus: ‘Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bastards!’
Yet back he comes…
Will S.: A rhyme? Yes!
Rummeus: like fast herds
Of raging buffalo…
Caesar: You plume-plucked hen
Yo mama is so fat her arse…
Will S.: Pox!
Writing C.: Men!
Ruckus, screams, shouts. Exit Caesar, limping
Enter Wolfowitzus
Wolfowitz: The Anus man is in your pants, my lord.
Will S.: That’s tents, not pants, puke-stockinged worm! O Gawd!
The Bushie virus spreads.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Sponsor 2: For underpants
For adults with the wetties: if by chance
Thy bladder overfloweth, then with ease
Contain the leaks with Tena! Hide your pees!
Exit sponsor 2
Alarums, excursions, sennet. Enter Caesar
Caesar: Did I hear leaks? I am by myself outed
Vox populi: Gay Caesar? Brokeback?
Writing C.: Nay! Just laws he flouted.
Now come on men, remove him once for all!
Caesar: Ouch! Ooh! Ooch! Ow! Eeh! Oh! Ay! My left ball!
Exit Caesar, limping
Rummeus: My pants? Good golly, I did feel them full.
Oh, tents! Then we are done for.
Wolfowitzus: Fanciful
Then was the victory that you predicted
But yesterday, to myths and lies addicted.
Rummeus: I do believe what I said yesterday,
I don’t know what I said, but anyway
I know what I do think, and I assume
It’s what I said.
Will S.: Methinks he doth presume.
Writing C.: Nay, that is how he speaks in real life,
His bumbling tongue's not pure as Caesar’s wife.
Rummeus: Well, um, you know, something is neither good
Nor bad but thinking makes it so (or should),
I do suppose, I think, as Shakespeare said.
Will S.: How dare he take my name. I’ll have him dead.
Once more the cast rebels, all of its own
Takes on a life, ignores my text
Writing C.: Don't groan,
Dear Will! With his good-bads, I think he meant
The reference to thee as compliment.
Wolfowitzus: Good, schmood! Bad, schmad! Your words are mighty stale.
You said with all our troops we would prevail.
And now we’re in the shitter, in the lav!
Rummeus: You go to war with the army you have
And not the army you might want or wish
To have at later time.
Wolfowitzuss: You make me pisch
As we do say in Yiddish. What comes next?
Rummeus: I would not say the future (where’s the text?)
Is less predictable than is the past;
(I’ve lost my place again. Where is it? Fast!)
I think the past was not predictable
When it did start.
Wolfowitzus: O mind inscrutable!
O what on earth mean’st thou and what in hell?
Rummeus: If I know the answer, then I will tell
You the answer, and if I don't, I'll just
Respond cleverly: that is, if I must.
Wolfowitzus: But what do we do now with this train wreck?
Rummeus: Now, settle down, do settle down now. Heck,
I'm an old man, it's early in the morning,
I'm gathering my thoughts here.
Wolfowitzus: Is it dawning
What we should do, now that this pow’r slugfest
We’ve lost?
Rummeus: We’ve lost? Ah, yes, we’ve lost. Then blest
Will be the day that from this mortal coil
I’ll shuffle me and far away me hoil.
Will S.: ‘Struth! Hoil? ‘Tis hurl!
Writing C.: Now into Brooklynese
The rump-fed pignut slips.
Will S.: Then all his pleas
I grant to shuffle off, his coil and all.
Rummeus: Then e’en without a Guidant do I fall.
Rummeus falls
Alarum. Enter Cheneyus, Scooterus and sundry hangers-on
Cheneyus: Where, where, o Scootie, doth his body lie?
Scooterus: Lo, yonder, shrouded ‘neath many a fly.
Cheneyus: O Bushius Caesar, thou art mighty yet;
Thy spirit walks like Kenny’s.
Alarums, excursions, sennet. Enter Caesar
Caesar: You can bet
Your bottom dollar!
Writing C.: Wordsmith! Grammar-man!
Ruckus, screams, shouts. Exit Caesar, limping
Cheneyus: Such grievous harm and mayhem to our plan
The churlish boil-brained boar-pig now done did
Grammarian: Done did! Ye gods!
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 1
Sponsor 1: For contracts without bid
At Halliburton we are number one,
Olympic champions are we bar none.
Done did? Did done? We couldn’t care a hoot
For grammar, s’ long as we pile up the loot.
Exit sponsor 1
Cheneyus: ‘Tis three o’clock, and Romans, yet ere night
We shall try fortune in a second fight.
Exeunt omnes, dancing a vigorous twist
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
16 - The Tragedy of Bushius Caesar Act 5 Scene 2
Alarum. Enter Cheneyus and Scooterus
Cheneyus: Ride, ride, o Scootie, ride, and take this bill
Unto our legions gathered on the Hill,
That they prepare and ready our defence,
And not sit growing fat in indolence.
O, Scooterus, ride on like Paul Revere!
Exit Scooterus
Alarums, excursions, sennet. Enter Caesar
Caesar: It’s me again! The Bushie Caesar’s here.
Cheneyus: ‘Oh my God! They killed Kenny! You bastards!’
He's back again, as welcome as are cows’ turds
He doth fore’er return, as Rummie said
To rain on my parade, back from the dead.
Will S.: The Bushie Frankenstein once more kidnaps
Act 5, scene 2, the theme, the plot. Perhaps
As he doth sow destruction, havoc, mayhem,
They say if you can't beat them then just join 'em,
Perhaps, O Coach, let us out-Frankenstein
The Bushie Frankenstein, let us define
With lines anew the text that he's hijacked,
Give to his role the form that it has lacked
Since he returns unbidden to the stage
On auto-pilot. Here, take this new page.
He hands a sheaf of papers to Caesar
Caesar: O good! Officially I'm reinstated
To play my part, my smirks and swaggers slated
Once more to grace the scene. Now let me read
My lines anew highlighted in this screed.
Err. Thus thou plott'st to burp me…
Will S.: That’s usurp me,
Thou mewling scut!
Cheneyus: Kiss my codpiece, bum-bailey!
Caesar: O Chenie, slut, why evil did’st thou do?
Cheneyus: To be the President, zounds, in name, too.
Caesar: I am Swift Boat for Truth, I’ll sink your boat,
I’ll tell the Congress that I learned by rote
Each lie, each hype on WMDs,
From thee, and on mobile laborat’ries,
And bull on Saddam-Al Qaeda links,
From thee alone. If I smell, then you stinks.
Grammarian: That’s ‘stink,’ illit’rate whore’s melt!
Cheneyus: Bushie dear,
[twists mouth You judge me wrong; now come, lend me your ear.
ever more I’ll get you re-instated as the Pres
slyly] If you just come and do all that I says.
Grammarian: O Gawd, he’s got the Bushies. Save my verbs!
Cheneyus: But first let’s leave these Washington suburbs
And go to Texas on the hunting trail.
Hee hee! That you and I go shooting quail.
‘Tis an experience you won’t forget.
Just ask old Harry Whittington. I bet
He’ll vouch for me; his polka-dotted face
Bears witness to my shooting; in first place
Came I with multi-buckshot, giving pause
To those who doubt the worth of our star wars
Missile defences. South of Corpus Christi
At Kath'rine Armstrong's ranch he was so pissed, he
grabbed at his holed face and groaned a lot.
[aside] For Bushie I'll use nucular buckshot
And end for ever all his foul intrusions
With radioactive lead bullet infusions
[to Caesar] Come, Bushie, you'll have fun, just ask Armstrong!
Caesar: Thy twisted gob warns not to trust thy song.
Now render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s…
Writing C.: Nay, that verse, Bush, is not the bardic geezer’s.
Will S.: Indeed. I wrote not that. He doth adlib
Caesar: Yo Mama is so fat she ...
Will S.: He doth crib
It from the Gospel Matthew twenty-two.
Caesar: Then tell me, smart arse, what would Jesus do?
Cheneyus: Thou snub’st my offer, then go to perdition!
Caesar: I’ll hit you first, then, with extreme rendition,
I’ll send you shackled to the Saudis’ lands
Where they’ll chop off your head, your ears, your glans.
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Sponsor 2: It standeth not? Dysfunction erectile?
Viagra’s blues will soon restore thy smile.
Thy glans will swell; to stiffest stiff from bland
Grow thou thy member for an all-night stand.
Exit sponsor 2
Caesar: I just staged an erection in Eye-rak.
Will S.: Ye gods preserve us! Stop the play!
Writing C.: Hold back!
The show, it must go on. That is the rule!
Cheneyus: Think’st thou to stop me now, thou skunk-brained fool?
Rank piece of snail’s smegma, feet of clay!
Caesar: In insults I can beat you any day
Yo mama is so fat, her double chins…
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Sponsor 2: To stay in shape, eat Kotex ultra thins!
Alarums, Exursions. Writing coach jumps up and down, breathless
Writing C.: Nay, nay, o fool, thou errest! That’s Wheat Thins!
Sponsor 2: O oopslet! Poxlet! Here the page did slip:
Use Maxi Pad thins with absorbent strip
For feminine protection.
Writing C.: Ah, thou’rt right,
The Wheat Thins ad is for tomorrow night.
Exit sponsor 2
Cheneyus: My obloquy, vile cur, and brickbats shall
Foil your illit’rate momas…
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 1
Sponsor 1: Think ye Hall-
-iburton oil, for that’s the name ‘f the game,
Both lit’rate and illit’rate, ‘t is the same,
At Hal’s we’re letter-blind. It is the dough
That we do seek and crave for and love so.
Exit Sponsor 1
Caesar: Shall foil? Your evil plots I've e'en now foiled,
The ambushes you thought were so well-oiled...
Enter Sponsor 1
Sponsor 1: Did I hear oil?
Will S.: You've had your say. Get out!
You overstay bought ad-time, saucy lout.
Enough now! Writing coach, let's give them hell,
Or else our play's finale we'll ne'er tell.
Ruckus, screams, shouts. Exeunt omnes
in whirling scrum of flailing limbs
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