At the dawn of the new millennium, after centuries of turning over in his grave, William Shakespeare can take it no more and has turned over right out of his tomb to chronicle once more the vanities and inanities of humankind.
He has hired a writing coach, a wordsmith and a grammarian, not to even dare to try to improve on his sublime verse - may heaven forefend - but to update him with the latest allusions, slang and pop culture.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
15 - The Tragedy of Bushius Caesar Act 5 Scene 1
Enter McCainus, Georgie P. and their army
Georgie P.: Now, Anus dear, ere day turns into night,
Will our great goal at last heave into sight?
McCainus: Don’t call me Anus! Title such as this
Alone thine uncle used. I’ll call you Piss,
Not P, if you persist. Our course is fair,
Rummie and Chenie we will beat four square.
Georgie P.: Oh, An’… McCainus, how canst be so sure
That Chenie, Rummie will not long endure?
McCainus: I paid the Surgeon-General to implant
In Chenie a pacemaker from Guidant,
Their ICD model that with a short
Circuit his life forever shall abort.
And with Hastertus next in line of power
At last will dawn my effing finest hour
For I’ll manoeuvre him to make me Veep
And with a Guidant then put him to sleep.
Geogrie P: O canny one, let’s e’en now sing our song
Of victory, for whate’er could go wrong?
Alarums, excursions sennet,. Enter Caesar
Caesar: Hello! It’s me! I’m back. Bushie redux!
McCainus: O Gawd! ‘Tis worse than vile acid reflux!
Georgie P. kicks his legs high in the air and breaks out into song
Georgie P.: Hello, Bushie, well, hello, Bushie, it's so nice
To have you back where you belong.
McCainus: A vice
And not a wringer will I use to catch
Your nipple. Now shut up, you stupid snatch!
This dread appearance doth confound my plan.
Out, damned spot! Out, I say!
William S.: Wrong play! Wrong man!
That quote’s Macbush, and Mitchell in my cast
Ne’er was. Now oust that Bushie Caesar fast!
Writing C. Wordsmith, Grammarian, send Bush to hell!
Ruckus, screams, shouts. Exit Caesar limping
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 2
Sponsor 2: For pests, unwanted guests, get Roachmotel!
Exit sponsor 2
Drum. Enter Cheneyus and Rummeus and their army
Cheneyus: They stand and would have parley.
Rummeus: We must talk.
McCainus: But in dread battle you’ll not walk the walk.
Georgie P.: You lack cojones (Mom’s from Mexico).
Stand down; your muscles, pray, unflex and go
Cheneyus: You dare to taunt us, peevish schoolboy? Zounds!
McCainus: You show your teeth like apes and fawn like hounds!
Cheneyus: Thou puking pox-marked plume-plucked foul giglet!
McCainus: Thou qualling flap-mouthed boil-brained vile mammet!
Rummeus: Thou currish old Europ’an barnacle!
Georgie P.: Thou empty pigeon-liver'd testicle!
Cheneyus: Thou that forever dost thy panties soil!
McCainus: Thou bubbling vat of excremental oil!
Alarums, excursions. Enter sponsor 1
Sponsor 1: For all your burnings, tortures, Abu Ghraib,
Use Halliburton’s oil – pass the bribe!
Exit sponsor 1
Cheney: Thou paunchy rump-fed bunch-back'd whoreson strumpet!
McCainus: Shut up! Or know where thou wilt feel my trumpet!
Alarums, excursions sennet,. Enter Caesar
Caesar: You poor affronters! I can spice your spat
And give you insults far better than that:
Yo mama is so fat, the elephant…
Writing C.: My doughty friends, go get that miscreant!
Ruckus, screams, shouts. Exit Caesar limping
McCainus: Defiance, traitors, hurl we in your teeth.
Georgie P. We sheathe our swords now, later to unsheath.
Exeunt Cheneyus, Rummeus and their army dancing a polka
McCainus: Now to our diverse posts let us depart
To clobber Chenie, Rummie from the start.
But should ought untoward perchance befall us
Forever and forever farewell, Georgius.
Georgie P.: Forever and forever farewell, Anus.
McCainus: I told you ne’er to call me Anus, doofus!
Georgie P.: ‘Tis not my fault, McCainus, but the bardus,
Who wrote the line because thy name too spacious
Combined with metre less than o’ercapacious
Could not accommodate all of McCainus.
With accent on the ‘ain,’ a fault heinous,
The bardic pacman ate McC, rapacious,
Hence used I thy nickname, forsooth, audacious.
Exeunt, dancing a tango, Georgie P. gripping a yellow rose of Texas between his teeth
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